Health Benefits of Himalayan Crystal Salt & Lamps:
The Healing Effect of Salt
For thousands of years salt has been known as a panacea. Alchemists called it "the fifth element" –besides water, earth, air and fire- because its qualities were comparable only to ether, the actual fifth element. Why are we so drawn to the ocean? Because our subconscious mind instinctively wants to return to the specific
vibrational state of the ocean from which we once emerged. This is where we can return to recharge our batteries and regenerate. It was only one hundred years ago with the advent of industrialization, that we initiated our disconnection from nature and her ways. Fortunately, we are witnessing a trend to return back to natural, holistic methods for living and caring for our body, including a shift back to utilizing naturalsalts in this process. People everywhere are reconsidering the healing effects of natural crystal salt. We can find it in skin care lotions, for use as bath salts and is even used in inhalation or cleansing treatments for illnesses of the respiratory system andfor a variety of other indications.
Where Do Salt Lamps Come From?
Salt Electrical Lamps are manufactured from crystals of rock salt which has been deposited in earth for 260 million years and is mined bye means of traditional mining methods from the depths reaching 700-1100 meters which allows fully maintain the natural benefits of slats created by natural with guarantee that there is no toxic
The Beneficial Effects Of Salt Crystal Lamps On Our Health
Science decades the beneficial effects of negative ions in the treatment of many illnesses has been known, such as rheumatism, allergies, respiratory diseases,sleeplessness, migraine high blood pressure, physical disorders, disorders declination in performance e.t.c, Salt crystal lamps are additional instruments in the treatment of such disorders. Salt lamps strong and negatively ionize the air counteracting detrimental positive
ionization. Owing to their nice and delicate light they create a unique atmosphere.When placed by a television set, computer etc. They absorb detrimentalelectromagnetic radiation.
Ions and Health
We spend most of our lives in enclosed places. Our frame of mind and physical condition depend on the composition of the air that we breath. Air is electrically charged, which means it contains in definite proportions, positively charged molecules (positive ions) and negatively charge molecules (negative ions). Scientific research has shown that their balance is required to create a good mood. Computers screens, air-conditioning, and TV sets are sources of surplus positive ions in the air. These devices make electrical smog that can lead to bad moods, weakness and sleeplessness. We must add negative ions to the atmosphere to achieve a balance in the air and neutralize the electrical smog around our homes and work places.
The environment we live in is full of positive ions, which makes the air morepolluted. Electrical appliances are discharging these positive ions, high voltage networks, heating and cooling plants, radio and television transmitters, radar systems, tobacco, computers and TV sets. Rock Salt crystal is known to be one of the most efficient emitters of negative ions that improve the air quality. Salt lamps create a microclimate that is similar to the air after a light spring storm. In the high country and near the waterfalls, fresh air carries around 4000 negative ions per cubic centimeter whereas in big cities, during rush hours and traffic jams, the
negative ions do not exceed more than 100 to 120 ions per cubic centimeter. The presences of negative ions in the atmosphere create a state of well-being.Salt crystal, thanks to its chemical composition, is an ideal source of negative ions.Negative ions clean the air of:
The impact of negative ions is powerful. Originally they were found to help asthma patients. Later they were discovered to affect Serotonin levels in the bloodstream, stabilize alpha rhythms and to positively affect reactions to sensory stimuli. The attendant greater level of alertness can translate into improved learning, improved well-being and enhanced performance of mental tasks. Rock Salt Crystal Lamps are highly suitable for daily use near Televisions, and Computers around smokers, in office with air-conditioning, during massage therapy, in mediation rooms and anywhere else you want to restore or preserve the natural air
Ionizing machines emit negative electric charges into the air, and this supposedly causes airborne allergens to cluster and fall to the ground. These machines have been claimed to help hay fever and asthma sufferers by decreasing the allergen load on the nasal mucosa and lungs. Many people, who can't go to the salt mines, use salt crystal lamps to create those ions. They buy salt crystal lamps made from the same salt mines used the
speleotherapic clinics. These lamps are reported to provide relief the same was people are relieved at the salt mines.
Salt Crystal Lamps and Color Therapy
The beautiful and rich color of the Salt Crystal Lamps has been known to be useful in color therapy. THE THEORY BEHIND COLOR THERAPY is that when you absorb color energy it travels, via the nervous system, to the part of the body that needs it. Each body has its own optimum state of well-being and is constantly seeking ways to maintain or restore a balanced state. Utilizing COLOUR is one way you can help
yourself to harmony.
Some of the colors that occur in many of the Salt Crystal Lamps when they are illuminated with an ordinary "white" light globe range from the original off white of pure salt through various degrees of yellows, peach, orange and shades of red to deep red.
The natural variations in the color of the Salt Crystal come from the Iron Oxides in the soil above the salt crystal deposits that leach down over hundreds of millions of years. The colors and combinations of colors are made up from the different density of iron oxides left on the salt crystal veins. The patterns and combinations of colors naturally occur in much the same way as an iron pipe leaves varied, abstract and totally unique rust stains on a wall over time.
Red (Bright Red)
Warm and stimulating. Use in anemia, or whenever you are feeling cold and pale, with chilled extremities; also useful for ultraviolet and X-ray burns and frostbite; red is a liver stimulant and counter-irritant (to bring internal inflammations to the surface). Nutrients: vitamin B12, acidity.
A respiratory stimulant; useful for weak lungs, asthma, consumption, emphysema; also for overweight and under-active people with an under-active thyroid (energizes thyroid, sedates parathyroid). Orange relieves spasms and cramps, increases milk secretion, corrects rickets and soft bones, osteoporosis; stimulates stomach and digestion, and relieves flatulence and distension; also stimulates the bladder, kidneys, liver and pancreas, try with epilepsy. It is valuable for chronic kidney disease and gallstones; arthritis, gout and rheumatism during non-painful periods. Minerals: boron, calcium, copper, selenium, silicon.
The most luminous color. A strong stimulant and energizer for muscles and nerves: use in all cases of paralysis and muscle disorders, for nerve building, and in nervous exhaustion. Yellow energizes the alimentary tract and stimulates digestion, flow of bile, gastric juices, pancreas activity, lymphatic system, heart, eyes and ears. It generally activates all bodily functions except those of the spleen, which is sedated; use for indigestion, constipation, diabetes, and depression for skin cleansing and to destroy intestinal worms. Minerals:magnesium, molybdenum, sodium.
Aroma Therapy
Alternative medical techniques can help you avoid the discomfort and side effects that come with prescription drugs. And depending on the technique used, psychiatrists say that elderly patients can very well tolerate them. "Aromatherapy and bright light treatment seem to be safe and effective and may have an important role in managing behavioral problems in people with dementia".
Light therapy entails sitting in front of bright and colored lights in order to alleviate restlessness, behavioral and sleeping problems.
The salt lamps are particularly effective for aromatherapy. Not only do these aromatic dispensers disperse the compounds that help your body, they give triple benefits. They give off light that is necessary to avoid depression and create a pleasant surroundings, they give off ions that create a healthy microclimate and
they disperse healthy aromas into the atmosphere.
Light Therapy
Light is important to mental well-being. Light therapy is a common treatment in the North Countries where one finds high rates of depression that doctors have found are related to the long winter nights experienced by the people who live there.
Salt lamps can be used for light therapy and they can be used to adjust our emotional conditions. Salt comes in a very useful spectrum of colors that create different moods. So you can choose one or more to fit your current condition.
Red is the provocative color that boosts your vital forces and gives you an energetic outlook on life. Apricot is said to help you overcome over come emotional blocks, improve open mindedness and increase vital energy. Orange is supposed to aid relaxation and improve body harmony. It is also said to be very helpful in overcoming stress, and nervous shock. It also is supposed to increase creativity and your outlook on life. White brightens your outlook and has a calming effect that helps you concentrate and enrich your emotional life.
The Healing Effect of Salt
For thousands of years salt has been known as a panacea. Alchemists called it "the fifth element" –besides water, earth, air and fire- because its qualities were comparable only to ether, the actual fifth element. Why are we so drawn to the ocean? Because our subconscious mind instinctively wants to return to the specific
vibrational state of the ocean from which we once emerged. This is where we can return to recharge our batteries and regenerate. It was only one hundred years ago with the advent of industrialization, that we initiated our disconnection from nature and her ways. Fortunately, we are witnessing a trend to return back to natural, holistic methods for living and caring for our body, including a shift back to utilizing naturalsalts in this process. People everywhere are reconsidering the healing effects of natural crystal salt. We can find it in skin care lotions, for use as bath salts and is even used in inhalation or cleansing treatments for illnesses of the respiratory system andfor a variety of other indications.
Where Do Salt Lamps Come From?
Salt Electrical Lamps are manufactured from crystals of rock salt which has been deposited in earth for 260 million years and is mined bye means of traditional mining methods from the depths reaching 700-1100 meters which allows fully maintain the natural benefits of slats created by natural with guarantee that there is no toxic
The Beneficial Effects Of Salt Crystal Lamps On Our Health
Science decades the beneficial effects of negative ions in the treatment of many illnesses has been known, such as rheumatism, allergies, respiratory diseases,sleeplessness, migraine high blood pressure, physical disorders, disorders declination in performance e.t.c, Salt crystal lamps are additional instruments in the treatment of such disorders. Salt lamps strong and negatively ionize the air counteracting detrimental positive
ionization. Owing to their nice and delicate light they create a unique atmosphere.When placed by a television set, computer etc. They absorb detrimentalelectromagnetic radiation.
Ions and Health
We spend most of our lives in enclosed places. Our frame of mind and physical condition depend on the composition of the air that we breath. Air is electrically charged, which means it contains in definite proportions, positively charged molecules (positive ions) and negatively charge molecules (negative ions). Scientific research has shown that their balance is required to create a good mood. Computers screens, air-conditioning, and TV sets are sources of surplus positive ions in the air. These devices make electrical smog that can lead to bad moods, weakness and sleeplessness. We must add negative ions to the atmosphere to achieve a balance in the air and neutralize the electrical smog around our homes and work places.
The environment we live in is full of positive ions, which makes the air morepolluted. Electrical appliances are discharging these positive ions, high voltage networks, heating and cooling plants, radio and television transmitters, radar systems, tobacco, computers and TV sets. Rock Salt crystal is known to be one of the most efficient emitters of negative ions that improve the air quality. Salt lamps create a microclimate that is similar to the air after a light spring storm. In the high country and near the waterfalls, fresh air carries around 4000 negative ions per cubic centimeter whereas in big cities, during rush hours and traffic jams, the
negative ions do not exceed more than 100 to 120 ions per cubic centimeter. The presences of negative ions in the atmosphere create a state of well-being.Salt crystal, thanks to its chemical composition, is an ideal source of negative ions.Negative ions clean the air of:
- Dust
- Pollen (grass, weed and tree pollen)
- Dust mites
- Animal dander
- Smoke
- Odor
- Mold spores
The impact of negative ions is powerful. Originally they were found to help asthma patients. Later they were discovered to affect Serotonin levels in the bloodstream, stabilize alpha rhythms and to positively affect reactions to sensory stimuli. The attendant greater level of alertness can translate into improved learning, improved well-being and enhanced performance of mental tasks. Rock Salt Crystal Lamps are highly suitable for daily use near Televisions, and Computers around smokers, in office with air-conditioning, during massage therapy, in mediation rooms and anywhere else you want to restore or preserve the natural air
Ionizing machines emit negative electric charges into the air, and this supposedly causes airborne allergens to cluster and fall to the ground. These machines have been claimed to help hay fever and asthma sufferers by decreasing the allergen load on the nasal mucosa and lungs. Many people, who can't go to the salt mines, use salt crystal lamps to create those ions. They buy salt crystal lamps made from the same salt mines used the
speleotherapic clinics. These lamps are reported to provide relief the same was people are relieved at the salt mines.
Salt Crystal Lamps and Color Therapy
The beautiful and rich color of the Salt Crystal Lamps has been known to be useful in color therapy. THE THEORY BEHIND COLOR THERAPY is that when you absorb color energy it travels, via the nervous system, to the part of the body that needs it. Each body has its own optimum state of well-being and is constantly seeking ways to maintain or restore a balanced state. Utilizing COLOUR is one way you can help
yourself to harmony.
Some of the colors that occur in many of the Salt Crystal Lamps when they are illuminated with an ordinary "white" light globe range from the original off white of pure salt through various degrees of yellows, peach, orange and shades of red to deep red.
The natural variations in the color of the Salt Crystal come from the Iron Oxides in the soil above the salt crystal deposits that leach down over hundreds of millions of years. The colors and combinations of colors are made up from the different density of iron oxides left on the salt crystal veins. The patterns and combinations of colors naturally occur in much the same way as an iron pipe leaves varied, abstract and totally unique rust stains on a wall over time.
Red (Bright Red)
Warm and stimulating. Use in anemia, or whenever you are feeling cold and pale, with chilled extremities; also useful for ultraviolet and X-ray burns and frostbite; red is a liver stimulant and counter-irritant (to bring internal inflammations to the surface). Nutrients: vitamin B12, acidity.
A respiratory stimulant; useful for weak lungs, asthma, consumption, emphysema; also for overweight and under-active people with an under-active thyroid (energizes thyroid, sedates parathyroid). Orange relieves spasms and cramps, increases milk secretion, corrects rickets and soft bones, osteoporosis; stimulates stomach and digestion, and relieves flatulence and distension; also stimulates the bladder, kidneys, liver and pancreas, try with epilepsy. It is valuable for chronic kidney disease and gallstones; arthritis, gout and rheumatism during non-painful periods. Minerals: boron, calcium, copper, selenium, silicon.
The most luminous color. A strong stimulant and energizer for muscles and nerves: use in all cases of paralysis and muscle disorders, for nerve building, and in nervous exhaustion. Yellow energizes the alimentary tract and stimulates digestion, flow of bile, gastric juices, pancreas activity, lymphatic system, heart, eyes and ears. It generally activates all bodily functions except those of the spleen, which is sedated; use for indigestion, constipation, diabetes, and depression for skin cleansing and to destroy intestinal worms. Minerals:magnesium, molybdenum, sodium.
Aroma Therapy
Alternative medical techniques can help you avoid the discomfort and side effects that come with prescription drugs. And depending on the technique used, psychiatrists say that elderly patients can very well tolerate them. "Aromatherapy and bright light treatment seem to be safe and effective and may have an important role in managing behavioral problems in people with dementia".
Light therapy entails sitting in front of bright and colored lights in order to alleviate restlessness, behavioral and sleeping problems.
The salt lamps are particularly effective for aromatherapy. Not only do these aromatic dispensers disperse the compounds that help your body, they give triple benefits. They give off light that is necessary to avoid depression and create a pleasant surroundings, they give off ions that create a healthy microclimate and
they disperse healthy aromas into the atmosphere.
Light Therapy
Light is important to mental well-being. Light therapy is a common treatment in the North Countries where one finds high rates of depression that doctors have found are related to the long winter nights experienced by the people who live there.
Salt lamps can be used for light therapy and they can be used to adjust our emotional conditions. Salt comes in a very useful spectrum of colors that create different moods. So you can choose one or more to fit your current condition.
Red is the provocative color that boosts your vital forces and gives you an energetic outlook on life. Apricot is said to help you overcome over come emotional blocks, improve open mindedness and increase vital energy. Orange is supposed to aid relaxation and improve body harmony. It is also said to be very helpful in overcoming stress, and nervous shock. It also is supposed to increase creativity and your outlook on life. White brightens your outlook and has a calming effect that helps you concentrate and enrich your emotional life.